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Eyeko Launched a Liquid Eyeliner that Promotes Lash Growth

Writer and expert9 years ago
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"Easy To Use And Good For Your Lashes? Count Us In

Eyeko, the brains be­hind the be­spoke mas­cara bar at Saks Fifth Av­enue (where you can cus­tomize your own mas­cara), has just launched a new liner: Black Magic Liq­uid Eye­liner. This new for­mula, that boasts a pre­ci­sion brush tip, is long-last­ing and fade proof, and en­hances lash growth. Using a spe­cial in­gre­di­ent called Wide­lash, a tripep­tide blend that pro­motes eye­lash growth and con­di­tion, it promises up to three times the length and vol­ume in just 15 days.

I was skep­ti­cal, but as I seem to have trou­ble find­ing the right liq­uid liner as it is, I de­cided to put it to the test.

If you're some­one like me—"blessed" with shaky hands and the in­abil­ity to draw a straight line—you'll be pleased to find out that this eye­liner is ac­tu­ally re­ally easy to work with. The brush tip glides on smooth and even, while the shape and size of the liner make it easy to draw a uni­form cat eye. It was cre­ated in Japan and in­spired by tra­di­tional cal­lig­ra­phy, after all.

It also stays put all day. Even after a full day of work (which in­volves the oc­ca­sional ac­ci­den­tal eye rub), my cat eye was still in­tact and not faded in the slight­est. While I've only been using it for about a week, my lashes have been look­ing a bit fuller, which makes me ex­cited to see what they will look like at the end of the two weeks. In the mean­time, this has eas­ily be­come my new fa­vorite just based of its ease of use alone.

You can try for your­self and pur­chase Black Magic here."

Read the full aricle here.

Writer and expert
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